Parents of 8th grade students-Please do not forget about CAP conferences Thursday, March 2nd. Conferences will be held in the new gym. Call 362-2488 if you need to know your assigned time.
almost 8 years ago, HSMS Counselor
Progress Reports will be sent home with students on Thursday, February 9.
about 8 years ago, HSMS
Alexia Adams, 7th grade, won the Cleburne County Spelling Bee. She will represent Cleburne County on March 4th at the State Spelling Bee. Josh Martin, 8th grade was 2nd overall. Congratulations and great job to all the students who participated in this years County Spelling Bee.
about 8 years ago, HSMS
School will be dismissed at 1pm on Tuesday, December 20. Christmas Break is Dec 21-Jan 3. Classes resume on January 4. Report cards will be sent home with students on January 6. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!
about 8 years ago, HSMS
Progress Reports will be sent home with students on Wednesday, November16.
about 8 years ago, HSMS
Students scoring ready or exceeding on at least one of the ACT Aspire assessments given last April, will receive a letter today awarding a free day from school on Tuesday, November 22nd.
over 8 years ago, HSMS Counselor
The HSMS 6th grade dance will be this Friday, November 11th, from 6:30 - 9:30. This year's theme is BLAST FROM THE PAST so be sure to come dressed in your favorite decade! Two different types of tickets will be sold this year. The BUDGET TICKET is $10, this includes the ticket for the dance, one slice of pizza, one piece of candy, one drink and one picture. The REGULAR TICKET is $5, this is only a ticket to the dance and does not include the other items. Food, drink, and pictures will be sold during the dance so be sure to bring extra money if you do not purchase a BUDGET TICKET or if you are wanting to purchase extra items. Tickets will be sold to 6th grade students this week during lunch and will be sold at the door. Tickets must be presented upon entry of the dance.
over 8 years ago, HSMS
Don't forget Red Ribbon Week is Oct 24-28th! Dress up days are Monday-Camo, Tuesday-Historical Figure, Wednesday-America (Patriotic), Thursday-Book Character, and Friday is School Spirit!
over 8 years ago, HSMS Counselor
Just a reminder that there will be no school for students on Monday, October 10.
over 8 years ago, HSMS
No school on Monday, October 10 and all 6th and 8th graders will have hearing and vision tests on Tuesday, Oct. 11. Please make sure they have their glasses or contacs.
over 8 years ago, HSMS
All 6th and 8th graders will have vision and hearing tests on Tuesday, October 11. Please make sure they wear their glasses or contacs.
over 8 years ago, HSMS
Mrs. Grace's 7th grade Pre-AP Science students were given a project to test an old wives tale or common misconception. Students presented their findings in class.
over 8 years ago, HSMS
HSMS September Super Students of the Month 6th-Kinley Parish 7th-Kevin Leal 8th-Hector Castelan
over 8 years ago, HSMS Counselor
Students in Mrs. Head and Mrs. Bykowski's class are making roller coaster designs to investigate forms of energy.
over 8 years ago, HSMS
Ms. Bohnert's class went to the Cleburne County Fair last week. They had so much fun!!!
over 8 years ago, HSMS
Check out our September Newsletter in the Documents section.
over 8 years ago, HSMS
Reminder: School Pictures are Thursday, Sept. 15--don't forget your money and picture form.
over 8 years ago, HSMS
Reminder: From the Middle School website or our district app you can view daily Breakfast and Lunch menus by going to menu-> Dining
over 8 years ago, HSMS
Shots! Shots! Shots! If your 6th grader hasn't had their TDAP booster, they must have one by October 1 or they won't be able to attend school! Having an appointment scheduled does not exempt them.
over 8 years ago, HSMS
Open House--6th grade is August 9 from 6-8. 7/8 grade is August 11 from 6-8. Hope to see you there!
over 8 years ago, HSMS