ATTENTION FBLA’ers… Just got word that the FBLA Middle School Spring Conference is rescheduled to Tuesday, February 7th.
about 2 years ago, HSSD
BASKETBALL UPDATE Thursday’s 7th Grade and Jr High games at eStem Downtown will begin at 5:30. 7th Grade Girls will NOT play this night. Game lineup will be 7B, JG, JB.
about 2 years ago, HSSD
7th Grader Penelope Erisman is heading to STATE for STAR events! CONGRATULATIONS!
about 2 years ago, HSSD
The students of Heber Springs Schools would like to invite the Heber Springs community to Panther Stadium on Friday, November 11th at 12:30pm as we honor the great men and women of our nation in our annual Veterans Day Ceremony.
over 2 years ago, HSSD
Veterans Day
A section of Panther Alley will be closed off tomorrow from 4pm-7:30pm for the Sonic Blast Drive Time Sports broadcast/pep rally. Those who pickup Preschool students after 4pm will need to pick up their child at the Elementary School Circle Drive.
over 2 years ago, HSSD
Yearbook Picture Day for all Middle School Students will be Friday, October 28th. Use the codes listed to order your pictures today!
over 2 years ago, HSSD
Forms for the Flu Shot Clinic have been sent home with students and will need to be returned by Tuesday, October 4th. Forms can also be found at the following link: Please make sure you fill these out and return them to the school by Tuesday, October 4th. Flu Shot Clinic will be held in the PAC on Friday, October 7th
over 2 years ago, HSSD
flu shot clinic
6th Grade Dance. Tickets sold during lunch and can also be purchased from Mrs. Vernon.
over 2 years ago, HSSD
6th grade dance
We have some important information regarding Parent Teacher Conferences in September/February and Homecoming Day. Please click on the link to read the info from Dr. Ashley.
over 2 years ago, HSSD
Battle of the Little Red shirts are in!!! Please come to Central Office (under the Panther Den, across the street from the Methodist Church) to pick yours up starting Wednesday. Office is open from 8am-4pm.
over 2 years ago, HSSD
Parents, don’t forget that there will be an Immunization Clinic TOMORROW at the Cleburne County Health Department. If your child received a letter this summer stating that they are due for their immunizations…this is the time to do it! No appointments are necessary! Remember that October 1st is the deadline to have your child up to date on their immunizations or have your waiver letter turned in.
over 2 years ago, HSSD
We had an amazing response to our first day of school picture today! If we missed your photo please know it was not intentional! We hope everyone had a great first day and can’t wait for day two! #youbelongatheber
over 2 years ago, HSSD
Cleburne County Health Department will have an Immunization Clinic on Tuesday, August 23rd, from 9:30am-6:00pm. Please call 501-362-7581 to set up your time TODAY!
over 2 years ago, HSSD
Cleburne County Health Department will have an Immunization Clinic on Tuesday, August 23rd, from 9:30am-6:00pm. Please call 501-362-7581 to set up your time TODAY!
over 2 years ago, HSSD
Don’t forget that Battle of the Little Red t-shirt orders are due THIS Friday! Students can start bringing in their donations for Fight Like a Kid to their homeroom teacher beginning 8/18. Each homeroom is challenged to raise $50 to help us reach a school wide goal of $5000.
over 2 years ago, HSSD
There are plenty of organizations in our community that you can contact to sign your child up for team sports! Be sure to give them a call.
over 2 years ago, HSSD
Please make sure your Kindergartner, 11 year old, and/or 16 year old is up to date on their immunizations for school.
over 2 years ago, HSSD
Big news Heber Springs High School and Middle School parents! Your student has the opportunity to travel to London, Paris and the Alps in Summer 2023. If you want more information, please join the info session by RSVP’ing to the link below.
over 2 years ago, HSSD
~SCHEDULE CHANGE~ 7th Grade and Jr. High Football will not practice on Monday, June 13th, due to Professional Development for the Coaching Staff.
over 2 years ago, HSSD
Summer School at Heber Springs Middle School will begin at 8:00am on Monday, June 6th. For more information, please contact the school office at 501-362-2488
over 2 years ago, HSSD
summer school