ACT Aspire Testing today, grades 3,4,5. 9:00-11:00 a.m.
2-8-17 Panther Basketball, JR High District Tournament @ Harding, JR Boys-HS * Harding 7:45
2-7-17 Panther Basketball SR. Night, Heber Springs * Riverview in the Panther Den. Sr. Girls, Sr. Boys, 6:00
2-7-17 HS Cheer & Dance, Youth will perform tonight at halftime.
2-7-17 HSES Honor Choir performs tonight before the Basketball game.
2-7-17 Bowling Conference Finals @ Hijinx in Jonesboro 11:00 a.m.
2-6-17 Panther Basketball, JR. Girls play @ 6:30 in the JR High District Tournament @ Harding
2/4/17 Mr. Valentine 7:00 p.m. Heber Springs Performing Arts Center
2/4/17 HSHS Travel Club, Cultural Event Searcy
2/3/17 HS Quiz Bowl, Jr. High Regional Brookland
2/3/17 FFA White County AR Forestry Commission workshop. Kensett
2/3/17 FBLA Spring Conference-Conway
2/3/17 HS Track-Sr. High 1-4A Indoor State Track Meet, UofA Tyson Center.
2/3/17 HS Band- All State Tryouts
2/3/17 Panther Basketball HS * Newport @ Newport, Jr. Girls, Sr. Girls, Sr. Boys. 5:00
2-1-17 HSHS Baseball visits UCA Baseball Practice
2-1-17 FFA- Jonesboro Swine Farm Livestock Competition
1/31/17 Panther Bowling @ Conway Family Bowl, 4:00. Baker Competition.
1/31/17 HS * Mountain View is a home game at 5:00 in the Panther Den. Jr. Boys, Sr. Girls, Sr. Boys.
1-30-17 HS Basketball * Quitman, 5:00 today in Quitman. 7th Grade Girls, 7th Grade Boys, Jr. Girls, Jr. Boys.