3-4-17 HS Softball-Sherwood Tournament-Panthers will play Saturday, Times and opponent will be posted later tonight on Athletic Page.
3-3-17 HSES-Book Fair, Elementary Library 7:30-4:00
3-3-17 to 3-9-17
3-3-17 FFA- College of the Ozarks CDE workshop and competition
3-3-17 HS Softball- Sherwood Tournament @ Sherwood, HS*Beebe, 5:00
3-3-17 HS Baseball- HS*Batesville @HS 4:00
3-2-17 HSES Book Fair in Elementary Library 7:30-4:00 p.m.
3-2-17-8th Grade CAPS conference in New Gym, 3:30-7:30 p.m.
3-2-17 HS Soccer- HS*Greenbrier @ Greenbrier, 4/5/7:00 p.m.
3-1-17- FFA- Mine Creek Forestry competition
3-1-17 Elementary Book Fair March 1-9. Elementary Library
Middle School receives 4 awards. Northeast Region Overall High Achieving, ELA High Achieving, Math High Achieving, Science High Achieving.
2-28-17 FFA- Mine Creek Forestry competition
2-28-17 HS Baseball- HS * Greenbrier @ Greenbrier, 4:00
2-28-17 HS Soccer- HS * Vilonia @ HS, 4/5/7:00 p.m.
HS Band Midwinter Concert @ Heber Springs Performing Arts Center, 7:00.
2-24-17 FFA- U of A Livestock contest & workshop
2-24-17 8th Grade Career Development- ASU
2-24-17 District Science Fair- UALR
HSES- Math & Science Night, 5:30-6:30.
2-23-17 FCCLA STAR Events, Expo Center, Conway.