January 18, 2021 Panther Nation- On Monday, January 18th, the Administration of Heber Springs Schools was made aware of a positive Covid-19 case in Heber Springs Elementary School. The Administration has contacted the Arkansas Department of Health for further guidance, and through contact tracing by the ADH and HSSD, the individuals who were at risk for primary exposure have already been contacted. The Administration will continue to closely monitor this situation moving forward. I want to thank the families of those impacted for their patience and understanding as we worked through this situation. Dr. Andy Ashley
about 4 years ago, HSSD
It’s the end of Week 18 and it is time for another weekly update with Dr. Ashley. This week we address the upcoming Virtual Day, the Road Runner Spirit Pump and congratulate our All-Region Members. Have a great weekend! https://youtu.be/76JIsTfGHjg
about 4 years ago, HSSD
January 14, 2021 Panther Nation- On Thursday, January 14th, the Administration of Heber Springs Schools was made aware of a positive Covid-19 case in Heber Springs Middle School. The Administration has contacted the Arkansas Department of Health for further guidance, and through contact tracing by the ADH and HSSD, the individuals who were at risk for primary exposure have already been contacted. The Administration will continue to closely monitor this situation moving forward. I want to thank the families of those impacted for their patience and understanding as we worked through this situation. Dr. Andy Ashley
about 4 years ago, HSSD
January 13, 2021 Panther Nation- On Wednesday, January 13th, the Administration of Heber Springs Schools was made aware of a positive Covid-19 case in Heber Springs High School. The Administration has contacted the Arkansas Department of Health for further guidance, and through contact tracing by the ADH and HSSD, the individuals who were at risk for primary exposure have already been contacted. The Administration will continue to closely monitor this situation moving forward. I want to thank the families of those impacted for their patience and understanding as we worked through this situation. Dr. Andy Ashley
about 4 years ago, HSSD
It's time for the Annual Heber Springs Cross Country/Track & Field Super Bowl Pork Butt Sale! You have your choice of chicken, ribs, or pork. Orders will be ready Super Bowl weekend...Saturday, February 6th and Sunday, February 7th. Orders must be placed by February 1st. Please contact Coach Dale Cresswell (dale.cresswell@hssd.k12.ar.us) or any member of the Heber Springs XCTF team to place your order. You will be contacted with your pickup date and time.
about 4 years ago, HSSD
Due to unforeseen circumstances...the Sr. High Football Banquet has been postponed to a later date. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
about 4 years ago, HSSD
football banquet postponed
Heber Springs Panthers Sr. High Football Banquet will be held at the First United Methodist Church on Tuesday, January 19th at 6pm. Players are able to bring two guests and are asked to RSVP to Coach Wood by 5pm on Friday, January 15th. Please email todd.wood.hssd.k12.ar.us to RSVP or if you have any questions. The banquet will also be broadcasted live on the Heber Springs School Facebook page for those unable to attend.
about 4 years ago, HSSD
Heber Springs Schools Senior Night January 2021 https://youtu.be/vL_tSiN7AsY
about 4 years ago, HSSD
Congratulations to our new All Region Band Members! Jr. High: Maura Lepes, Noel Galeano, Christine Lepes, Wyatt Thompson, and Hugo Howard Sr. High: Kinley Beard, Aydia Haymond, Grant Howard, Dulce Garcia, and Autumn Wilson Best of luck to Kinley Beard, Aydia Haymond and Autumn Wilson as they audition for All-State Band.
about 4 years ago, HSSD
|FOOD BOXES| Distribution of the food boxes from the Arkansas Food Bank will be Thursday, January 14th from 4-5:30pm in the Middle School circle drive. If you have any questions please contact Bonnie Webber at bonnie.webber@hssd.k12.ar.us
about 4 years ago, HSSD
food bank
|SENIOR NIGHT| The Heber Springs Panthers will host Clarksville on Tuesday, January 12th in the Panther Den. The Senior Night Ceremony for our Spring Sports will begin at 5pm.
about 4 years ago, HSSD
January 8, 2021 Panther Nation- On Friday, January 8th, the Administration of Heber Springs Schools was made aware of a positive Covid-19 case in Heber Springs Elementary School. The Administration has contacted the Arkansas Department of Health for further guidance, and through contact tracing by the ADH and HSSD, the individuals who were at risk for primary exposure have already been contacted. The Administration will continue to closely monitor this situation moving forward. I want to thank the families of those impacted for their patience and understanding as we worked through this situation. Dr. Andy Ashley
about 4 years ago, HSSD
WELCOME BACK! Another Week in Review with Dr. Ashley Week 17 https://youtu.be/lm6XhLkGAT0
about 4 years ago, HSSD
Panther Nation- On Thursday, January 7th, the Administration of Heber Springs Schools was made aware of a positive Covid-19 case in Heber Springs High School. The Administration has contacted the Arkansas Department of Health for further guidance, and through contact tracing by the ADH and HSSD, the individuals who were at risk for primary exposure have already been contacted. The Administration will continue to closely monitor this situation moving forward. I want to thank the families of those impacted for their patience and understanding as we worked through this situation. Dr. Andy Ashley
about 4 years ago, HSSD
!!!SENIORS!!! The Heber Springs Nursing Scholarship application is ready for you to fill out! Click on the website below to apply TODAY! https://sites.google.com/view/drthompsonfamilynurse/home
about 4 years ago, HSSD
January 6, 2021 Panther Nation- As of Wednesday, January 6th, Heber Springs Schools was made aware of 3 positive COVID-19 cases in the district. The Administration has contacted the Arkansas Department of Health for further guidance, and through contact tracing by the ADH and HSSD, the individuals who were at risk for primary exposure have already been contacted. The Administration will continue to closely monitor this situation moving forward. I want to thank the families of those impacted for their patience and understanding as we worked through this situation. Dr. Andy Ashley
about 4 years ago, HSSD
The Panther Basketball Teams will host Dardanelle this Friday, January 8th in the Panther Den. Junior Girls will begin at 4pm with Junior Boys, Varsity Girls, and Varsity Boys to follow. Be sure to bring plenty of cash for the goodies at the Panther Den Concession Stand. !!!PLEASE REMEMBER!!!! All individuals age 10 and older are required to wear a mask in the Panther Den. This is a mandate by the Governor, the ADH, and the AAA. Unless you are actively eating or drinking...you must wear a mask and must social distance from other families.
about 4 years ago, HSSD
panther basketball vs. dardanelle
Please make note of the canceled basketball games in January.
about 4 years ago, HSSD
canceled games
Registration for the Heber Springs Trap Team is NOW OPEN! Students in grades 6th - 12th can register to join, anyone who registers before February 1 will receive FREE ammo and targets. Final registration deadline is March 1st. Applications can be picked up in the Middle School and High School Office.
about 4 years ago, HSSD
trap team
Sign up for the Heber Springs Band Program Remind App to get updated with all of the important information! Beginning Band: text @3hbh93 to 81010 Middle School Band: text @bbghdc4 to 81010 High School Band: text @72k37h to 81010 Band Boosters: text @ka3ghh to 81010
about 4 years ago, HSSD
remind info for band